Welcome to Constellations

Greetings, this is Melanie Lan. I’m an artist based in NYC, I teach watercolor painting and am the workshop director at Case for Making. I started this newsletter as a way to organize my inner world and share what lights my spark.

"What is Constellations?”

Constellations is a monthly newsletter about my creative process and the things that motivate me to make art. It’s my own meaning-making space. This is a place for me to be authentic and real. I am a private person by nature, so it’s also an experiment on being more open, generous, and courageous.

“Is it free?”

Yes, it’s free. ‘Tis a labor of love to bring this newsletter to life, so if you enjoy it, please consider upgrading to a paid subscription. You’ll have my sincerest gratitude and the delight of knowing you’re supporting my work as an artist.

“Why is it called Constellations?”

I have struggled many times in both my art practice and in life to hold onto what feels bright and meaningful to me. In those dark nights of the soul, I’ve had to re-discover where the light shines, how to map it out, and connect the dots. In sharing this newsletter, I hope others may find navigating by their own starlight a little easier.

“How often?”

Currently the intention is to publish once a month, either at the end or the beginning of each month, but this may grow and evolve into something more than that. Time will tell.

Constellations is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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an introvert trying to connect the dots in art, writing, and life.


artist and watercolor teacher in NYC, hermit soul who loves animals 🐚🌝